Bigspot.Com Review: Comprehensive Analysis of Services and Features is a website that offers users the chance to earn money by completing online surveys. Many people look for ways to make extra cash online, but it’s important to know which sites are worth the time. BigSpot has received mixed reviews, with a significant number of users expressing dissatisfaction.

A computer screen displaying with a chart of survey opportunities and a logo in the corner claims to connect users with various survey opportunities, but some reviews suggest that the rewards may not justify the time invested. With payout rates ranging from $0.50 to $5.00 per survey, the time commitment can be considerable. Users report that the higher-paying surveys generally take longer to complete, making the hourly wage relatively low.

Opinions about BigSpot’s reliability and value vary widely. While it isn’t considered a scam, many users feel that the effort required isn’t proportional to the benefits. With this in mind, anyone considering using BigSpot should weigh the potential earnings against the time spent.

Overview of Bigspot.Com

A computer screen displaying homepage with logo, search bar, and various survey options is a website that connects users with survey opportunities, allowing them to make money online by giving their opinions. It’s free to join the platform, providing users with a straightforward way to start earning.

What is Bigspot.Com? is a platform designed to help individuals find paid surveys. By joining, users gain access to various surveys they can complete for monetary rewards. The site is marketed as a simple way to make money online, emphasizing ease of use and accessibility. They do not actually host surveys themselves, but rather direct users to partner sites where the surveys can be found.

Upon signing up, users provide basic information which is then utilized to match them with relevant surveys. Despite its potential benefits, the site has received mixed reviews, with many users expressing dissatisfaction with their experiences.

The Business Model of Survey Sites

Survey sites like operate by acting as intermediaries between survey companies and users. They earn commissions for every user who completes surveys through their partner links. This model benefits the survey companies by providing them with a steady stream of survey respondents at a lower cost. makes it easy for users to sign up and start earning by handling the initial filtering process. The user provides information about their demographics and interests, which the platform uses to identify suitable surveys. Although the site is free to join, users often mention issues with data privacy and low survey availability.

The appeal lies in the simplicity of potentially earning money in one’s spare time, though the actual earning can be minimal and inconsistent.

Legitimacy and Security Concerns

A padlocked gate with a "No Trespassing" sign, surrounded by barbed wire and security cameras, symbolizing legitimacy and security concerns is often under scrutiny for its legitimacy and the privacy implications of using its service. This section explores whether BigSpot is a legitimate platform and examines potential browser security and privacy issues.

Is BigSpot Legitimate? positions itself as a connector to survey sites rather than a direct payer for survey participation. Reviews are mixed, with some users finding it useful and others expressing concerns.

Several reviews highlight that BigSpot only directs users to other survey sites without offering direct payment. This often leaves users questioning its value. While not a scam, users should be aware that they are not paid directly by BigSpot.

Its legitimacy as a platform depends on the survey sites it recommends. Users should perform a security check on individual sites before sharing personal information. It is advisable to read user reviews and privacy policies to ensure they are comfortable with the level of data sharing required.

Browser Security and Privacy Issues can pose potential browser security and privacy issues due to its business model. The site collects personal information before redirecting users to third-party survey sites. Users may need to provide their email addresses and other sensitive data, which can raise privacy concerns.

These third-party survey sites vary in terms of security practices. Some of them may not have robust security measures, exposing users to risks. It is common for such sites to share or sell personal data to advertising companies, which can lead to targeted ads or spam.

To mitigate risks, users should use strong, unique passwords for each site and consider using a secondary email address. It’s important to stay cautious about sharing personal details and regularly review privacy settings on these platforms.

User Experience and Feedback

A laptop displaying with positive feedback and user experience reviews provides users with survey opportunities to earn some extra money. This platform requires navigating through a variety of features and dealing with potential issues like unwanted emails.

Navigating the Bigspot Website

Users find that navigating the BigSpot website can be straightforward but also note some challenges. The site features a clean, basic layout, making it easy to find survey opportunities.

Some users report that they received a lot of emails in their inbox, which can feel overwhelming. These messages often encourage signing up with multiple survey sites.

Complaints frequently mention that the surveys offered through might have varying degrees of complexity and reward. This variability might affect user satisfaction, especially if the payout does not seem proportional to the effort involved.

Feedback from users shows that while BigSpot is legitimate, the user experience might not be smooth for everyone. Users appreciate the lack of fees but are wary of the time commitment required compared to the compensation received.

Comparison with Other Survey Platforms

A group of people using various survey platforms, with standing out among the rest. Bright colors and modern design set it apart

When considering a survey website like, it’s essential to look at how it stacks up against other options available. Two major players in this field are GlobalTestMarket and Survey Compare.

Survey Website Landscape

Survey websites have become a popular way for people to earn extra money by sharing their opinions. These platforms connect users with companies looking to get feedback on their products and services.

Some key websites in this space include:

  • GlobalTestMarket
  • Survey Compare

Each of these websites operates differently, providing unique user experiences and payment structures. While some directly administer surveys, others, like, act as middlemen, connecting users to third-party surveys.

Bigspot Vs. GlobalTestMarket

  • Role: Middleman connecting users to third-party surveys.
  • Payment: Varies depending on the survey provider.
  • User Experience: Mixed; some find it helpful, others consider it a time-waster.


  • Role: Direct survey provider with its own surveys.
  • Payment: Points system that can be converted to cash or rewards.
  • User Experience: Generally positive, known for reliability and direct payouts.

Comparison Table:

Feature GlobalTestMarket
Role Middleman Direct Survey Provider
Payment Varies; indirect Points system; direct
Payout Options Dependent on third parties Cash, rewards
User Reviews Mixed; helpful to some, a waste to others Generally positive

In general, GlobalTestMarket provides a more straightforward experience with direct rewards, while offers varied opportunities through its connections with third-party providers.

Viable Alternatives for Making Money Online

There are several effective ways to make money online that can be more rewarding than survey sites. These include affiliate marketing and exploring other online business ideas.

Affiliate Marketing Insights

Affiliate marketing is a popular method for earning money online. You can promote other people’s products on your blog, social media, or website and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral link. Programs like Amazon Associates and ShareASale are excellent places to start.

Building trust with your audience is key. You need quality content that offers genuine value, as this will encourage users to click on your links and make purchases. Additionally, researching high-demand products and understanding your audience’s needs can significantly boost your earnings.

Exploring Other Online Business Ideas

Aside from affiliate marketing, other online business models can also be profitable. E-commerce, for example, allows you to sell physical or digital products directly to consumers. Platforms like Shopify and Etsy make it relatively simple to set up an online store and start selling.

Another option is freelancing. Websites like Upwork and Fiverr enable you to offer services such as writing, design, and programming. Freelancing can provide a steady stream of income, especially if you build a strong portfolio and client base.

Online courses and digital products also present good opportunities. With platforms like Udemy or Teachable, you can create and sell courses on topics you’re knowledgeable about. This approach leverages your expertise and can generate passive income over time.

These alternatives provide diverse and lucrative ways to earn money online, often with greater potential than doing surveys.

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